They took Evelyn's vitals, inserted a needle into her port and took blood. After 6 hours of a lot of poking, tears and waiting it was determined Evelyn had an ear infection. Big sister Charlotte was along for the ride - most of the time she was distracted by a movie but every so often she would look over and say "You're doing good Evie, you are being so brave." They have developed a tight bond these last months - Charlotte has become Evelyn's biggest encourager, Evelyn often calming down quicker when the words are heard from her big sis.
A prescription was written up and we were given the go-ahead to go home since her blood levels were good. We were very excited - usually with a fever you can count on getting admitted for a night or two.
Evelyn was scheduled for her lumbar puncture last week Thursday and because she had to fast the night before her blood sugar was going to drop really low. The doctors felt more comfortable for her to be monitored overnight and hooked up to a sugar IV so those sugars would stay stable. We had to take Evelyn back into clinic the Wednesday morning for blood work and a check up. Because a bed wasn't going to be ready until around 7:00pm we headed home for the rest of the day.
After dinner we dropped Charlotte off at our Aunt's house for a sleepover then the three of us headed to the hospital for the night. A little snack before heading up to the room -
At first Evelyn was apprehensive when she saw the all to familiar crib and room but it didn't take too long before she was walking around like she owned the place :). They changed things around in the ward a bit - most cancer patients get their own room instead of sharing so we had a nice big room all to ourselves.
Her port needle and IV were hooked up, vitals taken and by 10:30pm Evelyn was asleep in her crib. I was dealing with a little bit of a stomach bug so I went home for the night and returned the next morning.
Thursday I arrived bright and early to find Evelyn had slept till 6:00am - we were very pleased with this since she was hooked up to an IV and had her finger poked a couples times to check her blood sugars throughout the night. Because Evelyn had had diarrhea she was isolated to her room and she was also put on the end of the list to go in for her procedure in case she was carrying a virus. She had to fast from midnight until she went in - she did very well all morning, watching cartoons and sucking on her empty bottle, scaring every nurse and doctor that walked in thinking there was something in it :).
Evelyn was also getting an echocardiogram done as well as her lumbar puncture - that gave Steve and I about an hour to run a few errands and grab something to eat. Waiting for her to wake up -
Everything went well and Evelyn woke up fairly quick. We headed back to our room to recover and finish up her chemo. We tied up loose ends, packed our bags and was discharged.
We rolled in the door around 3:00pm, happy to be home and sleeping in our own beds that night.
Unfortunately Evelyn is currently on day 8 of having diarrhea so it's been a challenging week - changing diapers, doing laundry and keeping up with her steroid demands :). We think it may be a side effect of the amoxicillin she's on for her ear infection or a bit of the stomach bug going around our house. I called clinic yesterday to see of there was anything we could do but as long as she was staying hydrated we were advised to stick it through and keep her as comfortable as possible. Steve and I calculate we've gone through 170 diapers and four tubes of diaper cream in those 8 days! Needless to say, its been a crazy weekend :). We know this is just a busy time (they come and go in this journey called cancer) and once everyone is feeling better things should fall back into routine.This Easter weekend we were reminded of the ultimate sacrifice Christ made for us and it couldn't have fallen on a better week for our little family. We lay our worries, our stresses, our burdens at the feet of the cross trusting that he has done the work; that he will give us the strength to get through these busy times. And knowing that, our peace is found.
Looking forward to a steroid/flu free weekend :).
Lindsey and Stephen
Hebrews 4:16 "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Knowing what the cancer journey is like (although not with a child, which seems even more difficult to me), I understand how tough some days can be. The waiting, is exhausting and the steroid journey is very challenging. Your courage and witness on this blog is a great encouragement! Praying that God will continue to give you both strength and courage for each day! What would we do without His care?!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine what you as a family are going through… Clearly God has blessed you with strength and faith to be able to do what you do for your sweet girl! Know that we are keeping Evelyn and her family in our prayers all the way over here in Australia!
ReplyDelete(also, I can imagine you are getting lots of 'advice' and 'tips' from people, but I recently found this out and have to share!!) My little girl had a really bad diaper rash to the point where there were open sores and blood.. we tried every diaper cream that usually worked for us with her rashes and even a prescription one, but when it started to bleed we didn't feel comfortable putting those creams on her open sores so we tried coconut oil… it cleared up nearly overnight! I know it would be an ongoing thing with Evelyn if she's struggling with diarrhoea, but it worked magic for us and i just thought I'd share in case you wanted to give it a shot and save on those creams! :) Wishing you strength and patience as you continue to deal with this terrible disease.