That week Annalise Carr came and everyone who wanted swam across the lake with her.
Steve and I enjoyed the views for most of the week
Lots of crafts, dress up, swimming and playing at the park
We were there on Canada Day so we enjoyed fireworks too!
At the end of the week Camp puts on a talent show where every child has the chance to go up on stage and showcase a talent. Our girls loved the idea, even Evelyn. We were skeptical that Evelyn would go up on stage seeing as she can be quite shy sometimes. Charlotte was set on singing a Camp song about diarrhea but quickly changed her mind when she saw what the other kids were doing - Steve and I were VERY relieved :). Instead they sang along to Let it Go, Evelyn all dressed up as a unicorn.
The week flew by too fast but we are so grateful we were able to go. Lots of fun was had, new friendships were made and we now look forward to next time we get to go.
Last week Thursday we overcame a huge milestone! Evelyn had her very last lumbar puncture! This is one of the first "lasts" as we count down till the end of treatment. Lumbar punctures were probably one of the harder things of treatment - Evelyn had to fast overnight and throughout the morning, there's always risks with sedation and it's often a long tiring day with lots of waiting. We also realized quite quickly that Evelyn gets very nauseous when she doesn't eat and drives in a vehicle; also from the sedation itself. We learned lots of tips and tricks to help the morning go more smoothly such as nausea meds, hiding all the snacks (because she will find them), and always always have a bowl and a change of clothes in the van :). She's had roughly 15 lumbar punctures (if I counted correctly) and we are so grateful that overall, despite the lousy side effects, the Lord has watched over Evelyn and every procedure went well. It feels good to say we are done that part!
Trying to get a good picture :)
A small change that we've been experimenting with the last couple steroid rounds is tapering the end of her dose. The last couple rounds the withdrawal from the steroids seemed to be worse then the days that she was actually on them, resulting in a very rough, angry and exhausting day. Our doctor suggested to extend the steroids two days and taper them the last 3 days. Usually her dosage was Thursday-Monday and Tuesday being the worst day but now we've done Thursday-Wednesday, the last 3 days tapering doses. We have done this for two rounds and think we have noticed a difference. Even though the effects last a couple days longer they aren't as severe. Its hard to say for sure if its working because some rounds are a breeze and others are a struggle doesn't matter what we change. The countdown is on in this area too - only 3 more rounds!! This may be a bigger celebration then the end of chemo since it's where we experienced the worst side effects. And 70 more days of treatment!! :)
Lindsey and Stephen
Psalm 86:10,12: "For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever."